Category: Personal
Why I’m hiring a professional photographer when my baby is born {Personal} Hillsboro Newborn Photographer
I’m due with our second baby boy in a few months, and along with putting together the crib & packing my hospital bag, my prep list has: hire photographer. This may might seem strange considering I’m a photographer myself, but let me share why this is important to me. I love photography, I love making…
Baby P {Newborn Session} Beaverton Newborn Photographer
Baby P is my newest nephew and just the sweetest squishiest little dude! He has been long awaited and much prayed for. We are so happy that his little family recently moved just a couple hours away so we get to see them a lot more 🙂 A few weeks ago they stopped by my…
Going with the Flow {Personal} Birthday Winner!
One BIG thing that is important to learn as an adult is that “going with the flow” is vital to navigating everything life throws at you. This goes for anyone, but becomes paramount once we become parents. Nothing like a little baby to make one reassess what is truly important, what matters most, and…
Our family has been blessed with a *baby boom* this year. Two tiny miracles plus one on the way – and lots of aunties, uncles, cousins and an Oma & Opa who are so thankful to add them to our crew. The first bundle to make his appearance is Baby O and let’s just say his mama…
Hello friends, family and google searchers! I am alive and well and if you don’t follow my FB page you might be surprised due to my blogging absence 😉 Although if you follow blogs, you probably notice that sometimes bloggers seem to fall of the face of the earth for awhile – not the pro…