Baby B {Brand New Fingers & Toes} Beaverton Newborn Photographer

Baby B is boy number two for some friends of ours. When Henry and I first started learning our way around our new city – one of the things we did was sign up for swim class. And I’m so glad we did because that is how we met the J Family. Henry and Cam are only a few weeks apart in age – and made from the same mold – lots of energy and zest for life. From play dates to movie dates – their friendship has helped make our transition a warm one. And when Kellie asked me to do Baby B’s newborn photos – I was so excited & honored. This little stud did great, sleeping and even smiling throughout his session. I can’t wait to watch him grow and to have another little friend for our family to play with. Here are a few of my favorites from his session!


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