Why I’m hiring a professional photographer when my baby is born {Personal} Hillsboro Newborn Photographer

I’m due with our second baby boy in a few months, and along with putting together the crib & packing my hospital bag, my prep list has: hire photographer. This may might seem strange considering I’m a photographer myself, but let me share why this is important to me. I love photography, I love making kids giggle and getting couples to get mushy again after kids and bills and many sleepless nights. But I also love moments.  I know that there are milestones which come and go too quickly – and then all you have are memories and photos. One of those moments for me will be not only holding our baby for the first time, but when our first born first gets a glimpse of his baby brother. True, my husband or myself could capture that moment. But I’d rather be a part of that moment. Yes, there will probably be a grandparent or two snapping that photo with their phone, but I’d rather they be a part of the moment as well. The investment of paying someone else to memorialize something I want us to experience together first hand is priceless.

There’s also the benefit of having someone take quality photographs. Hospital lighting is tricky, you need to have skill to see the light available and put it best to use. I have on several occasions handed my “fancy” camera to someone else to take a photo and received less than “fancy” results 😉 A professional will not only capture the quick moments that happen in the tiny space of a hospital room, but also portray it in a beautiful way. And as a mom who will have just birthed a baby – I know I will want photos that show my best side. JUST SAYING. I also will have the opportunity to have a quality photo of our new baby to share on social media and/or birth announcements fairly quickly.

When thinking about moments that you want to be memorialized but want to be fully present for, it doesn’t mean you have to actually sell your first born to get photos of them 😉 I know our budget does not allow for a full birth photography experience, so I opted to have the photographer come after the baby is born, and schedule her arrival when our son will be coming for his first visit with the baby. A shorter session allowed me to make this a priority in our budget.

Just a few thoughts on hiring a professional for those extra special life moments. Hope it helps you when thinking about your family and the seasons of life you see on the horizon.


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