Fleming Family Session {Mini Session on a Christmas Tree Farm} Hillsboro Family Photographer

Chelsey contacted me as a referral from a friend of hers (Hey Lacey!), and I just love her sweet little family. I was a little heartbroken honestly, moving from LA and the babies I had been watching grow up in front of my lens. So I’m very excited and honored to be chosen by several families here to document their littles ones through the months following their arrival. And of course, two boys? I’m all about that 😉

Chelsey wasn’t sure where she wanted to do her session, so when I suggested Furrow Tree farm and she was up for it, I was excited. I didn’t realize how big the farm was so we got a little turned around, but it is an amazing location and the sky was absolutely stunning. A great spot to keep in mind if you’re thinking about doing a mini session this year.


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