Holiday Specials // Family Photos // and the passing of time {Portland Metro Family Photographer}

This blog entry is a little bit personal, a little bit reality check and little bit promotional savings for your family. It’s a weird combo, but follow me 😉

We took our family photos this year, and they turned out beautiful thanks to the talented Nicole Zena Photography but I was a little bit disappointed. Because as I looked at these amazing images of the people I love the most, I criticized how I looked. Oh they were mostly ok, but here and there I found things to be dissatisfied with. Things that motherhood, life, time have given me. I oohed and awed over my sweet kids and with a click, dismissed photos where I didn’t like what I saw in myself.

Yesterday morning my grandmother passed away. After several hard months, she finally slipped into peace. Losing the matriarch of my dad’s family reminds me deeply of the importance of family. Puts perspective on the petty things that don’t matter as much as loving the ones who have been graciously given to me. And these photos, will be markers of of our love and growth for one another. I love what I do because I enjoy photography, but what fulfills my mama heart is knowing that kids and grandkids will see their family tree and hopefully cherish them for decades to come.

Next year I will be changing my pricing and my package structure for three reasons: to reflect my growth as an artist, help me balance my time as my family has grown, and to give you more options to choose exactly what it is you want from your session (time, professional prints, digital images etc.). So to finish off 2015 and thank you for being a part of my work family, I’m offering three different specials. They will be offered this week only, so email me to purchase your discount. If you know someone who would love this as a gift (or you want someone to gift it to you 😉 ), I would be happy to create a custom gift certificate.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me: *all proceeds from this special will go toward flights for my grandmother’s memorial.


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