Every Day Moments {Keeping your photos for generations}

Today I want to talk about cell phone photos. And I’m not here to tell you they don’t matter, because they do and sometimes they matter the most.

Those beautiful day to day photos you take of your family, your kids, your home. It’s pretty incredible to me how our future generations could potentially have so many wonderful tangible memories to share with future generations. They don’t get to just hear about the family trips, or the big fall that ended in stitches (ahem, my second born) but they have images that they can actually see for themselves of that silly hair cut that Dad had when he was 6. And what everyone ate for lunch when they went out. Just kidding. 😉

But won’t that be incredible, this awesome visual history that your great grandkids can see how life was back in the day? That is, if your phone doesn’t end up in the toilet or the ocean. Or suddenly get dropped with the final drop to end all drops. Or maybe just got upgraded or switched and you kept promising to go download all those images as soon as you get around to it N E V E R. Or heaven forbid it’s stolen or left on top of the car and then found in the middle of the street 30 minutes later (I heard that happened to a friend…)

As awesome as these day to day moments are, they are also super easy to lose. I’ve started a personal goal to print my favorites every month. There are several automated options that seem really easy to implement. One option is Piccolo an automated service starting at just $10 a month and prints photos from your Instagram or Facebook account. Another great option is Chatbooks, for only $8 you’ll receive a book of instagram photos, once you reach 60 images they notify you and you can edit them {or not} and in a few days a book arrives in the mail. So far I’ve challenged myself to a little more tedious approach, but so far I have printed photos for each month this year. I’m using the photo app from Costco and at the end of the month, I send over my favorite cell phone images, and the next time I need diapers, I grab a stash of memories to tuck away. Easy Peasy. Now I haven’t figured out an album system yet, but at least they are off my phone 😉

And obviously there are many good cloud type services available as well. These are also a great resource for preserving your images, I would love to hear in the comments which ones you use!

I hope this encourages you to see how easy and affordable it is to take your every day memories and preserve them for you and your future generations. I know they will love the spaghetti faces and birthday cake grins as much as you do. And now that I dug up all these photos of my sweet 5 year old I’m off to swallow down the knot in my throat and smother him in mama kisses he will not be happy about.


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