The Best Camera is the one you have {SMT} Instagram

You may have heard it before, the best camera is the one you have. Because, OBVIOUSLY, the one you don’t have isn’t doing you any good! Even if that really nice camera you do own, is not on your person when you need it, it’s not the one that you currently “have”. For that sweet moment when your baby takes his/her first steps. When your Little is covered in pasta and red sauce. When your whole family happens to be in the same place at the same time. When there’s a moment where every one is happy, loving on each other and you don’t want to ever forget that moment in time. These are the captures that you may not have the camera battery charged, the memory card empty and the settings so that your toddlers first steps aren’t just blurry ghosts across the living room. Ya feel me?

THANK GOODNESS FOR CELL PHONES WITH CAMERAS. Because really? When I forgot to charge my personal camera battery {BOO!} last weekend when we picked out our tree, I was so thankful for my phone! Now the challenge for me, and for most of us I would guess, is doing something with those photos. And no, I’m not just talking about uploading them to FB or Instagram.

Recently I used a company called Printsagram { } to print some of my favorite iphone images. Ok, so maybe I only printed a 1/3 of my favorites, I have too many! 🙂 I ordered their adorable mini prints. They are super easy to use because you log into your instagram account and select the photos you want to use from there.

Then a few weeks ago my sister in law took me to this terrible/wonderful place Craft Warehouse { }. Oh man, I could definitely spend way too much money in that place. I found this super cute frame that I knew instantly would be perfect for my new tiny prints. It comes with everything you see in the photo, all I did was trim and clip my photos. Easiest DIY to date. 😉 I thought about painting the frame but once I had the photos in there, I liked it how it was.

Hopefully this has inspired you to do something tangible with all those precious memories on your phone, or at the bare minimum, take 10 mins today to back up your phone or set up your cloud sync. 😉

P.S. The Printstagram website says TODAY is the last day to order prints by Christmas!


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