Cousins {Personal} Washington Lifestyle Photographer


I should probably apologize in advance for all the photos in this post but that would be a SorryNotSorry statement! 😉 We were so blessed to spend Thanksgiving with our family and I’m just now getting around to blogging some of the adventures we had. Lifestyle photography is truly my favorite part of any session, the in between moments, the unposed interaction. Kids are the best at it, even though they all too soon become aware of the camera and fake a smile. Here are some of the moments I captured when I wasn’t too busy being present (aka chasing my Little around the house).

Many rounds of Hide and Seek were played that weekend.

Playing games: an essential part of family life. <3

This was my favorite: they started using Henry’s baby monitor as a one way intercom. 


One response to “Cousins {Personal} Washington Lifestyle Photographer”

  1. Beautiful photos Lauren! Such an artistic eye! Love it!

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