Change in Season {Personal} Portland Zoo

It’s getting colder in the Pacific North West, we’ve had a few teasing mornings of snow fall, but none of it actually sticking. What is sticking for me, is the fact that this is now home. In a sad way it means a lot more moments of missing family and friends back home. My mother in law asked me the other night what was the hardest thing about moving here, and it has definitely been the people. Growing up on the same street my whole life, being in the same church for the same amount of time, and having the same girlfriends since grade school makes a move like this tough. As the newness of learning new streets, parks, grocery store aisles and waits at the DMV wears off, a deep ache starts to settle in. It’s weird to be at the library during story time, look at the mom’s or nannies around you and think, “Could she be my new friend?” To sit in a church service and wonder which conversation will lead to a lunch invitation and some where down the line Target trips together.

A strange source of solace has been meeting other transplants. The lady from Sacramento who has only been here 6 months. Not so much the DEQ worker from Santa Monica who asked if I knew that there had been only 15 days without rain since October, thanks a lot Buddy. These people who make up the suburbia traffic that I’m sure the “locals” hate make me feel a little less alone. I know it takes time to settle in, make relationships, and feel at home. I just wish time didn’t take so long.

Even though that grumpy guy from Santa Monica said there’s only been 15 days without rain, some of those days with rain really have been beautiful. Even now, what started out as a frigid overcast morning has blossomed into a beautiful afternoon, sunshine and all. I race to the windows and pull back the blinds as far as they go because NW Sunshine is bright, pure and golden. Basically a good representation of how my days “feel” like. The homesickness of each day is paired with some new things that warm my heart. Moving here has allowed me to spend more time at home, and really “Be” home. Try new recipes. Have new adventures with my little man. One of the things we have loved doing since getting a wonderful gift at Christmas, is visit the Zoo. We’re learning the animals, the sounds they make, and most importantly: which exhibits are indoors and heated. 😉

Here are a few photos of our last trip to the Zoo and the two people that make anywhere my Home.



One of these goats was so feisty! I kept imagining him saying: “Come at me bro!”


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