Nikki {Portraits} Beaverton Portrait Photographer

It’s interesting working with adults/older children versus the Littles. With the Littles, I’m constantly responding, moving, entertaining. While there are poses and different things I do to set up the photo, a lot of it is reacting to them. Sessions with babies and small children are very dependent on them and what we can do with their current mood ๐Ÿ˜‰ Older subjects are entirely different, they’re posable, moldable, but the pressure is on the photographer to draw out emotion, to find a pose that is natural, comfortable, to create moments. SO MUCH PRESSURE! ๐Ÿ™‚

Thankfully my session with Nikki was part portrait and part girl talk/hang out. Nikki was one of my college room mates and I’m so glad that this move included more than one built in friendship. It’s been almost 7 years since we’ve hung out regularly so there have been a few nights out with lots of catch up as well as reminiscing about tie dye jumpers, college romances and late night trouble making. So many good stories ๐Ÿ˜‰ In college Nikki was one of the girls in our quad who was the life of the party (we had a few in our quad!) and that’s still true today. I love this lady’s bubbly personality & energetic outlook on whatever life hands her. Here’s a few of my favorites from our session!

When I saw these tires as I was scouting spots for our session, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. It was so much fun to do something a little different than my normal shoots.

This is a CLASSIC Nikki face. LOVE IT.

She said she was super nervous, but as you can see from these two frames (shot one right after the other), anyone that can go from Jazz Hands to Fierce is model status.

First shoot in a cemetery. Not gonna lie, freaked me out a little bit.


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