I love photography, I really do. But if you were to get inside my head before a shoot you probably wouldn’t be able to guess that ๐Ÿ˜› I’m a bundle of nerves, rehearsing poses, things to say, imagining things in a new way and all sorts of chaos. And if you rode with me in the car you might go deaf because I’m blasting the most adrenaline pumping feel good music to get me in the mood and shake off all those nerves. And a beauty session gets me all worked up even more.

It’s because I know it’s not easy for most women to open up in front of a camera. To trust me with angles and lighting, and wrinkles and love handles. To forget about make up and hair, the standard that our society has placed for beauty, and to relax so that their natural beauty can shine through. And then when I’m done, and they see the final product, do they see that light? Or do the flaws jump out first thing? So you see, it’s a lot of pressure. And as the photographer, I really, really, REALLY want them to see what I see.

AND THEN, when it’s a generational session, I can’t help but fully realize how cherished these photos will be – one day. I know we love them now, we look at them with fondness, and there’s a mixture of the joy of memories past and happiness in the now. But the day the daughter moves away, or becomes a bride, a mother, or the day we lose someone to a better place: these photos mean that much more.

So yeah, even though the day we had this session I was capture naturally beautiful women who I know and love, I was still a bundle of nerves. ๐Ÿ˜‰


A generational session can be as many generations as you are blessed to have near you. And as Mother’s Day is right around the corner, this might be something that’s already on your mind. I love when you have the option of being pampered before your session, turning it into a morning or afternoon affair, you know, all the girly stuff. These sessions are done in a home, no studio needed, just some space and great natural light, I’ll bring the rest. If you’re interested in booking a session like this please send me a note and I’ll get you details: ย ๐Ÿ™‚


I’m so thankful for these ladies and their loving support and friendship. They’ve made this move to the beautiful Pacific Northwest just a little bit brighter for me. ๐Ÿ™‚ And with beauties like these, they made my job pretty easy ๐Ÿ˜‰ XOXO


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