{H} in the Fall {Beaverton Child Photographer}

The best thing about shooting children is you never know what’s going to happen. Ok, I admit, some times that’s also the worst thing ๐Ÿ˜‰ Children are challenging, they’re fast and some times unpredictable. But a big part of making your kids session a blast and a “success” comes way before I even pull out my camera. As parents you have the “fun” job of getting everyone dressed, clean and staying clean until we meet for your session. As a mom, I know this is no small task. Bribery, threats, motivational pep talks: I’m pretty sure they all have a role to play in getting everyone ready for a photo session.

As the parent you totally help set the mood for the shoot. Don’t forget that!

As your photographer, it’s my job to get the money shot and then capture your kids as they are in this season of their life. When I took Henry out for this quick session, the odds were not in my favor because for one: it was just him, me and my camera. The second thing is: he’s 20 months. There’s no Pause button! But as we walked along I said Hey Henry! And he “posed” for me and my first shot was the money shot. After that? I was the paparazzi. That’s really the best way to get kids. So when we do your session, I will gather the “group” or pose the baby for the very first portion of your session. Fresh out of the car, no puddles or mud splatters, no squabbles or tantrums. After we get that out of the way, it’s time for me to be silly, play peek a boo behind my lens and for everyone to breath a sigh of relief.

I love to capture people close up. As I look at my favorite images, they’re close up, filling the frame, faces and emotions.

He’s really into “knock knock” which is super helpful because I can avert the BANGING to a slightly more subtle “knock”. I’m sure the neighbors appreciate that.

I don’t photoshop out the drool because that is life right now. I could, but I won’t. ๐Ÿ™‚

I hope this post helped you get an idea of what your session will be like! Of course feel free to email me with any questions you may have. info{at}laurencrowstonphotography.com


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