ADVENTURE BOYS {Stylized Session} Beaverton Child Photographer

This shoot was birthed in my heart, and you can know that by how many of the props came from my home. Every day I’m a parent I realize a little more the huge task and incredible gift it is to raise a child. The little moments of early morning snuggles in bed, the trying challenges of discipline and potty training. Watching the deep breathing as he sleeps and realizing just how much he depends on and needs your love, support, strength and protection. We live in a dangerous world: one where a child’s innocence can easily be taken in the flash of an image, where play can be replaced the need to be entertained, where forts and balls are replaced with someone else’s stories and pre made imagination. I pray I allow my son the opportunities to play, to get dirty, to grow his imagination and create. That we model bravery, honesty, integrity, loyalty and a faith that perseveres through even the darkest times.

And all the big ideas aside, I really just love little boys in hats, suspenders and shirts that button all the way to the top. 🙂

Big thanks to my sister in law Tricia for lending her handsome models and all the child wrangling. You’re the best. And thanks to the boys for putting up with all my crazy ideas. Pretty sure this won’t be the last one.


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