So as I sit here trying to write this blog post, I’m trying to remember my first memory of Lindsay and Kelley together. Because, before there was “Kelley & Lindsay soon to be married” there was “Lindsay and Kelley crazy kids running around the church together”. It usually wasn’t just the two of them, I seem remember a fairly unruly pack that roamed the playgrounds, the players would rotate but the game was always the same: up to no good. The story that first popped up was one which involves a church camping trip, a pond, and a friend “falling” in that pond. But there’s also the memories of spray painting a tiny tiny shed space in the back of Kelley’s garage. And small time youth group worship team beginnings and countless Fridays at In N Out. Their history is long and deep.

I’m so glad they were able to come spend time with us and I got to be a part of their engagement story. Being so far away from all the planning – I didn’t take this for granted at all. We had a blast running all over town, shooting at the places I had been scouting out. The hidden waterfall that just doesn’t work for the Littles I usually shoot. The field literally in my backyard that’s half taken over by a construction crew. And my favorite little “forest” hidden behind the local park. They did it all – even in heels! 😉

Love you guys, may your love for each other grow and deepen as you learn compromise, honesty and compassion in all the years of marriage that are to come. XOXO.



  1. LOVEE THEM ALL!!! It was so hard to choose which ones we wanted for our Save the Dates!

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