One year. {Personal} Beaverton Photographer


It’s been one year since we moved our little family up to the Pacific North West. A little over a year ago when we realized we needed different opportunities for our family to grow and flourish. That hot summer week when we found a ad online, replied, interviewed on the phone and got the job in a matter of days. Began packing our things, loaded up the truck and started a new part of our journey.

I’ve come to love this place, our new way of life. We’ve almost explored every. single. park. in our district. I’ve slowed down a ton, from three jobs to one (work has been busy this month – it’s been a challenge for me to keep up! SO THANKFUL), spending more time with the Little dude, trying new recipes, working on being a better home maker. We’ve found a favorite sushi joint, hamburger place and are still looking for that elusive delicious authentic Mexican (requirements: real mexican, chips and salsa while you wait and sit down. Ideas anyone?). We’ve made a few new friends, had awesome play dates and practically wore our own path in the Portland Zoo. I’m so thankful that we live close to a lot of really fun things to do with kids. And the fact that I rarely have to battle traffic is definitely a bonus. So we are settling in.

Settling in but still very much missing the friends and family down in sunny CA. Trips to Costco and Target aren’t the same and almost every time Henry sees a plane he asks to ride it to see Grandma and Grandpa. I miss the abundance of babysitters and walking to the grocery store. I miss Friday nights at In N Out with crazy teenagers. We are looking forward to Christmas and reconnecting for a bit.

Here are some photos from our pumpkin picking trip to Sauvie Island. So much fun! 🙂

October celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. We were blessed to be able to get away overnight and it was wonderful. It was our first time away together since the Little Man, and while the stinker kept Oma and Opa up all night, we got to sleep in together, eat with out one eye/hand on someone squirmy, and take a epic hike (great views, felt it for days after!). Came home renewed in my love and commitment to this man.


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